If We Controlled Your Remote… 11/19/18

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Megan’s Choice

Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk are geniuses, and the show 9-1-1 is another prime example of what can be produced and created in the hands of this creative team. The characters are funny, yet they still manage to be deep and relatable. Buck is one of the most relatable characters right now because he’s working on getting back into the dating scene without sleeping with whatever girls throw themselves at him. The funny thing is now that he’s developed a conscience, he is more aware of when someone is using him for sex…which his reporter lady friend is definitely doing. Watching Buck realize that his old moves are being used on him was hilarious, but in the end I hope Buck can find real love again because he deserves it.

Elsewhere, Chimney and Maddie realized they are moving along into a relationship without actually labeling it. I completely support this and think they need to move forward with the relationship fully. I’m just waiting for Buck and Chimney to have to save Maddie when her ex-husband shows up, because we all know no one can escape their past on this show.

On tonight’s episode, “Hen Begins,” Hen relives her evolution into the firefighter she is today as she recalls the first times she met Chimney and Athena.

To take this stroll down memory lane, tune in to FOX at 9/8c.

I’ll also be watching The Resident, The Voice, The Good Doctor, Magnum PI, The Neighborhood, Happy Together, Holiday Baking Championship, Arrow, and Manifest.

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