If We Controlled Your Remote… 1/6/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice

There were a lot of good moments in the final 2018 episode of NCIS: LA. NCIS Special Agent Nicole DeChamps (Marsha Thomason) was back, filling in for Callen, who spent all episode with Anna in the hospital. The case itself was okay, some parts of it better than others – I really enjoyed Sam sort of bonding with the guys from the Army and Marines who were originally thought to be the bad guys but who’d been drugged so they weren’t exactly in charge of their actions when they ran their vehicle through a Christmas tree lot and shot up the place. I also really enjoyed Nicole and Sam at the rich drug dealer’s party.

Outside the case, there were some great moments. Rogers being a Grinch, even banning the company party and decorations. Callen spending Christmas with Anna, who was in the hospital after being beaten up very badly in prison…and Arkady maybe finally realizing that Callen does truly care about her. Deeks freaking out about hosting the company holiday party at the bar – he was so funny about the food, going so far as to getting a bunch of cakes or bread or whatever from the girlfriend of one of the “suspects” of the case. The team toasting to the people they lost in the previous year, remembering Granger and Hidoko, even mentioning Hetty, who is off on some mysterious project (in reality, Linda Hunt was in an accident over the summer and is apparently still not better enough to get back to work…).

I still want Kensi & Deeks to pick a wedding date and name the bar! (Hello! I have two: Fern’s or The Golden Shark! Duh!)

On tonight’s episode, “The Sound of Silence,” after the chief of logistics for a naval weapons station collapses on the job, the NCIS team must determine if this is a terror threat or a stress-induced breakdown. Also, Kensi and Deeks research different honeymoon locations.

To see if there’s a terror threat and find out where we’re (I mean they’re) going on the honeymoon, tune in to CBS at 9/8c.

I’ll also be watching/DVRing Worst Cooks in America.
Jump with us to see else we think you should watch.

Phoebe’s Choice

Tonight is the first Bob’s Burgers of the new year, coming a few weeks after their “Christmas” episode for this season. While scarf knitting did loosely tie the story to the big Santa holiday, this season they went with a sledding episode instead. After a big snowstorm, the kids wanted to sled but were chased off the only good hill in the park by Louise’s nemesis, the older boy Logan. The kids recruited Rudy’s cousin, a softball pitcher named Mandy, and she fought back with the children. They formed a phalanx of sleds around her as she released snowball after snowball until Logan and his friends fled.

The boys then returned with a varsity basketball player who shot large snowballs over the wall of sleds, right down Mandy’s collar, which forced a retreat. In the B plot, Linda was trying to knit scarves for the kids from Santa, but she wasn’t very good at it. Bob, however, was great at knitting it turned out, and he made two of them to her one scraggly one. Louise schemed and convinced Teddy to plow the park so the boys would have no snow for their snowball wars, buttttttt… It snowed again so the ammo was re-spawned. The determined Belcher kids suited up in pot & pan armor and headed to the hill regardless. They were about to get thrashed when a coalition of girls who wanted to throw snowballs at Logan showed up to rescue them.

Louise spared Logan from utter slaughter, but he was chased away in a rain of snowy revenge. In the very last scene, Linda was redeemed on Christmas morning when Louise selected the raggedy scarf because it had “character.” Another Bob’s holiday episode instant classic!

On tonight’s episode, “Lorenzo’s Oil? No, Linda’s,” Linda’s new friend introduces her to essential oils and Aunt Gayle is convinced she must be rescued. Meanwhile, Bob and Teddy are bamboozled into performing a series of annoying favors for Mr. Huggins.

Catch all the laughs tonight on FOX at 8:30/7:30c.

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