If We Controlled Your Remote… 11/7/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice #1

The Unicorn is one of those shows that I forget between episodes just how much I adore it. I don’t know why. It happens occasionally with different shows. Usually one a season. Like, you can ask me midweek if I like it, and I’ll say, “Oh, it’s cute and funny and sweet.” But ask me right after, and I just gush about it. Well, consider me gushing. The cast on this show is brilliant. Walton Goggins is such a great fit here, but his friends really just work. And last week, when Wade realized his daughter Grace got the lead in the school musical simply because the teacher wanted her to feel better after her mother’s passing, it was so sweet watching him talk to Grace about it and tell her she could quit but then be so proud and nervous for her when she didn’t. She proved that she could do it and do it well, and I swear, that Seymour song was stuck in my head for DAYS. My other favorite part of that episode was Natalie trying to sneak more juice boxes than she was allowed and Wade using his parental vision to shut her down. As a parent myself, that just cracked me up. And of course, there was Michelle and Ben practically forcing Forrest and Delia to “volunteer” for the first time ever by signing them up to work the snack bar at the girls’ soccer games. Delia just went spastic as a pediatrician, having to give kids all that sugar and processed food. She even went so far as to go to Whole Foods and bring back…snacks like kale chips. Gag. LOL

On tonight’s episode, “Three Men Out,” when Wade visits a local hot spot to meet people instead of using his dating app, Forrest and Ben decide to be his “wing men.”

See how it goes with Wade’s “wing men” tonight on CBS at 8:31/7:31c.
Jump with us to see else we think you should watch.

Kyle’s Choice

The final season of The Good Place has been speeding along as three of our humans try to save humanity by proving that four individuals – three of whom were chosen by the demon Shawn and the remaining is a mind-wiped Chidi – can learn to be good people. In last week’s episode, we learned that it has been nearly six months since Michael and the gang rescued Good Janet from The Bad Place and that they have been holding the Bad Janet who was posing as her in captivity all this time. The experiment was nearing its conclusion, and Michael seemed pleased with recent events. He recounted a recent success story to Bad Janet, though things didn’t really sound all that positive as his story began. Brent wrote a terrible murder-mystery novel, “Six Feet Under Par: A Chip Driver Mystery,” in which the characters – such as “Scarlett Pakistan” – were very obvious and offensive versions of Tahani, Chidi, and the others. Brent failed to understand why the others didn’t respond positively to his book, so Michael tried to use the situation as a teaching moment and to get him to apologize for insulting the others. Meanwhile, John walked in on Jason trying to cheer up Chidi up with a dance party and discovered the truth that the silent Monk Jianyu was actually Jason the bro from Florida. Chidi begged John to keep this a secret, which he agreed to try, but this was the kind of gossip that John would have died for on Earth, and it was going to be tough for him.

Things escalated at Brent’s book release party as he continued to whine that no one liked his book and refused to apologize to the others. The event culminated with Chidi ultimately punching Brent in the face. The Soul Squad was out of ideas as to how to deal with Brent, but then Eleanor realized they just needed to force Brent into a situation where he wouldn’t have time to think about his actions and would just react and help someone involuntarily. Jason offered to be set on fire so that Brent could put him out, but that plan didn’t really go over well.

As last week’s episode came to a close, so did Michael’s story to Bad Janet. He told her that what he realized through this experiment is that it doesn’t matter whether humans are inherently “good” or “bad” but that they are striving to be better each day. Michael told Bad Janet he would not marbleize her, and instead he released her, sending her off with a copy of the manifesto that he and Good Janet had written about the progress of humans’ ethical journey. Will this idea that the humans are at least trying to be better people be enough to sway the judge in the Soul Squad’s favor? The experiment is nearly over, but did the humans improve enough to save humanity? We’ve still got 7 episodes left – I have no idea where the show will go from here, and I’m sure there are many more surprise twists to come. I look forward to seeing how it all plays out as the series comes to a close.

On tonight’s episode, “Help Is Other People,” on the last day of the experiment, Chidi is faced with one final ethical dilemma.

Find out what hurdle Chidi faces tonight on NBC at 9/8c.

I’ll also be watching/recording Grey’s Anatomy, A Million Little Things, Young Sheldon, The Unicorn, Carol’s Second Act, Evil, Superstore, Perfect Harmony, Will & Grace, and Chrisley Knows Best.

Jenny’s Choice #2

The Halloween episode of Evil was one of the creepiest yet for this ultra-creepy show. It’s one of my favorites of the new shows this season, and this was a great example why. In hands down one of the worst decisions ever, Kristen called her mother to babysit when David called to ask for her help during an exorcism. (First off, exorcisms on Halloween are just extra creepy…) Kristen interrupted her mother on a first date…which had already been interrupted by none other than demon/devil Leland. (Does anyone else feel like he is one of the creepiest characters ever on TV? And that Michael Emerson is absolutely, terrifically, horribly perfect playing him?) Somehow Leland convinced Sheryl to leave her date, and they ended up in the alley together before she left to go “watch” the girls. Leland tried to convince her to stay, but she reluctantly left. Of course, while she was “watching” the girls, Leland kept her captivated on the phone so his little demon/minion masquerading as a classmate of the girls (who had come over for a sleepover) could lure the girls into the graveyard and kill them. It amazes me how…well, kind of stupid Kristen’s oldest daughter is. She shows no more smarts or maturity than any of the other younger girls, whether it be an ultra-creepy video game that isn’t really a video game or this episode, with the demon girl. I mean, come on! But yes, without a doubt, Sheryl is one of the worst babysitters on the planet, and if I were Kristen, I wouldn’t trust her to be alone with the girls ever again. LOL

On tonight’s episode, “Let x = 9,” when the Catholic Church asks Kristen, David and Ben to assess the veracity of a local prophetess, Grace Ling (Li Jun Li), they are shaken when they see one of her visions come to life. Also, David struggles with jealousy when he sees God speaking with the prophetess, and to Kristen’s dismay, her mother, Sheryl, and Leland begin a relationship.

To see the prophetess’s vision “come to life,” tune in to CBS at 10/9c.

I’ll also be watching Perfect Harmony & Will & Grace.

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One Response to If We Controlled Your Remote… 11/7/19

  1. […] on what to check out tonight, including a new episodes of Evil & The Unicorn, check out the If We Controlled Your Remote… 11/7/19 post at […]